Monthly Archives: July 2021

Geo Metro’s Stylish Car

stylish female on a convertible

So what have you been up to this pandemic? Have you guys returned back to work or did you have the privilege to “work” at home? 

As for me, I’m still here breathing and thinking as I admire the beauty of my Geo Metro. Yeah, yeah, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I know because some of you might not agree with my definition of beauty.

Then why the hell are you here reading about my musings and shenanigans about my love for this Earth-saving car

Gotcha! Admit it, you secretly love Geo Metros too! 

What’s not to love? Yes, you may consider it as an econobox but did you know that there are models released for more, uhm– stylish clients? 

Picture a convertible. Just like the picture above, it really suits the more stylish clientele, doesn’t it?

Spotlight please for the Geo Metro convertible!

However, the Geo Metro convertible isn’t exactly like that, but at least it tried to be…

The Geo Metro Convertible Is Not For All

To target those who are looking for a more stylish, yet still efficient and affordable Geo Metro, the convertible model was born. However, not all people liked it and some are even laughing at the thought of a convertible Geo Metro. 

Don’t laugh too hard and belittle such a car. There are still great things about it like the efficient 55 hp engine. Additionally, it also has an airbag, at least for the driver side. Without too much excess baggage, the weight is minimized.

As for the top, it’s manually operated and you have to manually unlock the cabin to get access to it. Some were also not a great fan of the plastic panel that covers it. 

The seats were like any other Geo Metro, which is a pain in the ass and there is no armrest. The side mirrors are also present and are manually adjustable. Lastly, it also has air conditioning and a tachometer. 

Would You Drive It?

If you ask me, I’d surely love to take that for a ride. That might amp up my appeal, being a convertible and all. Plus, it’s efficient and you’d save a ton from using it. 

However, some people might not be comfortable with it due to safety reasons, you wuss. As for me, I’m a careful driver and I take my chances every time I drive my own Geo Metro anyway so as long as I can still make it run, then I’d gladly take it for a ride. 

How about you? Would you take the chance in driving such a classic beauty? Come on now, I know I’ve got a lot of readers who are as big Geo Metro fans as I am.